Hi. I’m Kim.
Let’s Make Something Awesome…Together.
Imagine a different world. A world where both digital and in real life spaces invite real and durable connection. Where online becomes an Organic Web of meaningful relationships rather than an endless doom scroll. Where social life isn’t confined to screens but extends to plentiful Third Places in our own neighborhoods and towns. Where interactions feel relational not transactional.
I know this sounds idealistic. Frankly, it sort of does to me too. But here's what I believe: in times of great challenge (and I think we are in one of those times), we must nurture The Hopeful Side of Our Humanity. My own hope is that my work can be a contribution toward making a better world.
Rabbit Hole Alert
Digital Gardens: This is where I first learned about them. Enjoy!
My name is Kim LeClair. This site is both a digital garden1 and portfolio of my work. Some of the work shown here I do professionally. Some projects are more personal or exploratory.
But hold on…before we go further, where are my manners? Welcome! to my own little corner of the vast wide online world! I hope we can meet here or maybe even in my own little corner of the vast real life world. Or in yours!
I can’t claim to be able to magically transform the entire world. But with the projects I choose and through my approach to my work, I am seeking to cultivate and create that different world I imagine - where hope and connection flourish.
Me, my work, and this place are evolving. But I want to say clearly, as much for myself as anyone….
I want this imagined world for me and for you.
I want this world for all of us.

Perhaps among us
flows a river wide and deep?
Filled with hope and love.
Still here? Thanks for taking the time, a precious resource indeed.
Let’s get into some particulars.
I have been a freelance website designer for over 12 years, partnering with creatives, healers and helpers who want a website that reflects who they are and what they do.
Through focused collaborative sessions, we clarify your vision and create something that feels true to you. Whether you're just starting out or reimagining an existing site, I serve as both guide and thinking partner – because an Organic Web grows through real connection and shared discovery. You can read more about my work and clients here.
I also write and produce interactive mystery shows where suspects scatter throughout town and audience members become detectives, wandering shop to shop to determine whodunnit.
For a few magical hours, these events create spaces where something quietly transformative happens: local spaces become stages for connection, and differences between neighbors fade away as they solve the mystery together. And yes, it's as fun as it sounds!
If you have a project you want to talk about doing, excellent. Contact me here.

twist and turn
spin around
go so fast
you fall down
stop and see
all is blurry
laugh out loud
don't hurry