a giant cake for an ogre

I want a giant cake !
Tom the Ogre screamed and yelled
he was know as the biggest brat
in this family of ogres who smelled

they lived under the bridge
between two smallish hills
they mostly kept to themselves
but today Tom’s voice rang shrill

people in the near villages
they could hear this wild sound
what in the world could make that noise?
was it coming from under the ground?

is there a storm coming?
is it a bird in the sky?

Tom just kept on yelling
and you may be asking why?

it was Tom’s birthday
he was turning six
and his mom had made him a special treat
of mud and dirt and sticks

(did you think ogre’s ate cake like ours?
well now, that would be silly
they don’t eat like us at all
although, I have to say they do like chili )

Tom was a spoiled bratty tot
he thought his cake was too small
even though you would be surprised
it was already 3 feet tall

Tom went on yelling
for a really really long time
his ogre family ignored him though
they stuffed their ears with slime

something funny happened now
it actually started to storm
and so the villagers they assumed
Tom’s screaming was really the norm

there are some folks who, to this day
will say this when it thunders
the ogres must be having a party
who wants more cake now I wonder?


marigold (part 1)


Wizzelly won the race