a wagon of witches

a story with witches
or beasts or a dragon
why are these tales
i want to put in my wagon

i think it’s because
they smell like magic
and in my mind
there is nothing so tragic

as this boring old world
of going along
just doing your chores
not singing a song

i would rather
devour my life
get sort of dirty
go fly a kite

i know i don’t listen
nearly often enough
to this life nudging
i’m afraid i’m not tough

instead i stay safe
follow the rules
let’s be real honest
this gives me the blues

so when i hear
of a beast who is growling
there is a part of me
that wants to start howling

it is honestly truly amazing
that i can conjure a thing out of air
something a moment ago
just wasn’t there

something appears
that wasn’t before
and all of a sudden
life’s not a bore

it is almost as if
it becomes real
and then magic
i start to feel

so bring on the dragons
the beasts and tree frogs
watch them all moving
among those big logs

make it a big
and mighty narration
it is all coming
from my own imagination


The Villanelle


the words come