an unwelcome family

there is a family i know
they tend to visit often
i try to welcome them when they come
but if i’m honest, my heart has not softened

to this bunch of rascals
they come knocking on my door
each is quite persistent
their manners i abhor

first there is the father
his name is Fear
he is married to his wife Worry
and she is really not a dear

their children are Anxiety and Stress
each is hard to take
once you’ve been around them
their impact is hard to shake

once they brought a cousin
his name was Shame
he was really a rotten one
it makes me sad that he has fame

there is also a distant in-law
her name is Blame
she twists you up inside yourself
she plays some wicked games

this family, like I say,
i hate to have them over
but somehow when they show up
they do sort of take over

i try to be hospitable
to listen when they talk
but the reality is all i want to do, when they come
is leave and talk a walk

i hope this family doesn’t come
to knock at your front door
if they do, you have to bear it
i can’t really say much more




i am wondering