beating and mighty

beating and mighty
the words locked inside
comic and tragic
as with the world they collide

daddy i learned a new word just today
the word is poetaster
is that me
would you say

the kids on the playground were laughing at me
as i rhymed and made sillies and talked to a tree

you said i could do whatever i wanted
but you didn’t tell me daddy
that i might get taunted

my daughter my dear
you do whatever you want
and tell those dumb kids
to put a thumb in their rump

they don’t know yet
the power of magic
and to unlock it
you can’t be pedantic

make whatever the words will allow
write it all down and trust me somehow
we never know the story we weave
until much later, until when we leave

beating and mighty
the power of magic
to leave it unsaid
comic and tragic


come out to play


crawl inside