
Wanting. This thing that all of us do.
What I am really curious about is
what does it feel like for you?

I find it difficult to answer this oft-asked question.
Somehow, strangely, to know what I want
seems outside of my perception.

Is it like that for others or do they simply know?
Asked to share a deeper longing
maybe the answer just flows?

Is wanting precious or is it much more fleeting?
Does the answer stay the same?
Does it keep repeating?

Wanting. This thing that all of us do.
I suppose the thing I’m learning is
what matters most is following through.

You work to make a habit.
You do the thing you do.
Then you can examine. Ask if the thing is true.

Then you can decide if this is a thing you want.
If yes, you can pursue with a clear direction.
If no, you can wander and find another haunt.

I wish for you to find, the deep things in your heart.
For you to practice and find
your work turns your wanting to art.



