Wizzelly and The Bright Orange Shoes

It was a lovely October day
and Wizzelly was super proud
he had gotten some really bright orange awesome shoes
if you saw them you might describe them as loud

but man, Wizzelly loved these things
he was walking with all kinds of swagger
on the way to school this day
but around the corner, quite staggered

came some of the bullies
from Wizzelly’s neighborhood
they saw those orange shoes from down the street
and they started screaming, as they would

“oh man look at that kid’s shoes
those are so crazy and weird
ha ha ha ha ha ha
what a loser, loser loser!”…the sound only cleared

when Wizzelly got way down the street
away from that mean pack of boys
he was feeling a little bit lower in stature
he had lost quite a bit of his poise

he loved these bright orange shoes
he thought they were super cool
but now he was considering
not even going to school

then his friends Walter and Will
came running up to him
“Oh man Wizzelly, what cool shoes
you look just like Captain Jim!”

Captain Jim was a teacher
at Wizzely’s school
he was the very favorite
the teacher who did rule

and Wizzelly had a choice
to listen to those mean boys
or to listen to his pals
which would he discard, which would become noise?

Wizzelly looked down at his shoes
and they shined right back at him
and he conjured up his love of those shoes
and the world stopped looking grim

Those shoes made him feel mighty
like he was superhero
and no one, not even mean bully boys
would make him feel like a zero

so on they went and got to school
and Wizzelly showed off those shoes all day
he treated himself with all kinds of respect
and it made everyone feel that way

the lesson here I think
is to stick with what you love
don’t let bullies bring you down
you have to ignore their shove

and if you start feeling bad
your friends will be there to help you
trust yourself to guide you right
and to those things you love stay true


we all have our quirks


this thing that i love