an accidental love poem?

quietly slowly stealthily
waiting watching noticing

this prize i want to catch
it comes in many forms
this road that i have traced
it has passed through many storms

it has been always
a challenge to my will
to keep on going
and going i am still

i thought i had caught the thing
several years ago
but it vanished from my grasp
and starting again has been slow

it feels premature to ask
how to keep it caught
the question that is here right now
is whether i can catch it or not

maybe i need to change my tack
consider it more of a courtship
woo it with some love poems
not start out with a guilt trip

leave it little treats and such
say things just to flatter
make sure that it knows the truth
tell it how much it matters

stalking quietly waiting
seeing those small tracks of
a wondrous thing i really need
something that i love


the words come


guess you had to be there