guess you had to be there

seasons bees birds squirrels
crickets mosquitoes anteaters

wait a minute
stop right there
you’ve seen an anteater?
yes, fighting a bear

oh come on, this is crazy
where could you possibly see that?
i saw it in Panama
while getting a hat

you are making this up
you are pulling my leg
nope, i saw the whole thing
the bear’s name was meg

oh come on now, get real
i can’t believe that
what was the anteater’s name?
i suppose it was matt!

no, he was charlie
and meg was his friend
meg wore glasses
at least until when

charlie had come
from a feast of termites
and meg was just lumbering
as bears often might

charlie was bragging
and waving his snout
meg got fed up
and started to shout

this is crazy, i’m walking away
i can’t believe one word you say

that’s fine, do whatever
your loss indeed
you won’t hear the part
where i intercede

you stopped a fight
between anteater and bear!?!?
i did, most surely
guess you had to be there


an accidental love poem?


a space inside you