dear spider

Dear Spider,

I’ve been wanting to write.
I feel like, well… I feel I’ve been not so welcoming to you. I do understand that you have an important job to do but…

Here is where it gets tricky, I hate to say this but… I find you ugly and really quite creepy.
I look up and there you are on the wall. It is disconcerting.

And, please, don’t get me started with your messes. Clogging up the corners of things with your webs. Do you really need to take over so much in your quest for capture?

I understand you really don’t want to bother me. We could co-exist I suppose and you could just go about your low level policing efforts, keeping the space clear from other invaders.

The problem is I see you as an invader as well.

I can see in writing this we are at an impasse. I don’t expect you can comply but I am going to make my request.

Please keep your webs out of the corners. Keep yourself out of my view so I don’t see you creeping around. I’m happy to provide you a home but, please remember that out of sight equals out of mind and that is how I think our relationship will work best. Please also spread this word to your friends… because yes, I know they are gathering here. I don’t even want to think about that!

Thank you for your consideration,

the human who lives here


the clear line


show off like a flower