This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

I have started to edit some of these mostly the kids poetry. I think there might be enough here for a book. We shall see.

animals, being silly Kimberly LeClair animals, being silly Kimberly LeClair

Pete the Frog

Would you like to meet
my new friend —
he’s called Pete!

Lives under a log
in my backyard —
he’s a frog!

His body is quite slimy
from far away —
just looks shiny!

He tells real funny jokes
the punchlines —
sound like croak!

He can smile when he tries
usually after —
catching flies!

Anyway, that is Pete
a better frog —
you will not meet!

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boxes of things, being silly, play Kimberly LeClair boxes of things, being silly, play Kimberly LeClair

a box of silly

unwrap a box of silly
pour it on the ground
pick out the parts you love the most
your smile will be found!

what’s in your box of silly?
what do you love the most?
for me I like the silly rhymes
like roast and boast and toast!

maybe you like tickles
or games like hide and seek
if you play that one with friends
make sure that they don’t peek!

keep a box of silly
always on your shelf
open it and have some fun
with laughs you make yourself!

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being silly, being a kid, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair being silly, being a kid, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair

sound around town

Does your dog
bark in the dark?

Does your cat
sneeze in the breeze?

Does your goat
bleat in the heat?

What’s that you say?
You don’t own a goat?

Well ...
do you…
croon at noon or wait ’til late?
screech at the beach or roar at the store?
fret at the wet or cry at the dry?

Do you spread your sound
the whole town?

Thank you to my friend Darcy Lee for using the phrase “barking in the dark” - what a great and inspiring rhyme! ❤️

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being silly, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair being silly, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair

bippity bobbity boo

bippity bobbity boo
the cow took off and flew
the goat wore a bright yellow shoe
the chicken wanted in too
so she painted her chicks all bright blue
bippity bobbity boo
is that a sheep or a ewe?
this farm is a real crazy zoo!

Happy Monday Friends. Who doesn’t need a bunch of silly rhymes sometimes? 😀
Thank you thank you thank you for reading! ❤️

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being silly Kimberly LeClair being silly Kimberly LeClair

dreary one

outside it is grey and drab
not a hue you would call fab
it will rain and be a mess
a day inside for sure I’d guess
I don’t mind a dreary one
I know he will return — the sun

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being silly Kimberly LeClair being silly Kimberly LeClair


How quick can I write a poem STOP?

My head it might go POP!

at 2 these always DROP (my time)

I think I made it PLOP!

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being silly, food Kimberly LeClair being silly, food Kimberly LeClair

In Praise of Peanut Butter

You won’t ever convince me
Of a better kind of food
Than good old peanut butter
I’m sorry, is that rude?

Do you not like peanuts?
Or a tiny bit of salt?
Spread on bread the perfect bite
Crunchy sort is my default

Spread on celery stalks
Or with some type of jelly
Put it in a cookie too
Or just go spoon direct to belly

I hope you aren’t allergic
If you are I feel so bad
Without my peanut butter
Life would be so sad

Of course I’m being silly
But the truth — I love the stuff
In praise of peanut butter
Ok, I’ll stop... that is enough

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Mosquito Bite

Something bit my toe
Could not have been a gnat
Must be a mosquito
The one that did do that!
Now I’ve got a bite
Itches like the devil
When my shoes rub the place
The itch it goes next level!
I’ve tried a bunch of creams
And soaks and serums too
Nothing seems to help
What else can I do ?!?
I have to just let time
Heal this horrid bite
Next time be real sure
To put the bug spray on right!!

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daily life, being silly Kimberly LeClair daily life, being silly Kimberly LeClair

In Praise of Advil

Have you ever had a headache
The stabbing pounding kind
The pain will drive you crazy
An anvil in the mind
Here I praise dear Advil
That magic little pill
Two roundish blueish capsules
Like shutting off the drill
In only a few moments
The headache is all gone
Thank you dear dear Advil
My life can now go on

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