This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

I have started to edit some of these mostly the kids poetry. I think there might be enough here for a book. We shall see.

my dog, daily life Kimberly LeClair my dog, daily life Kimberly LeClair

…mostly cool

my dog, he drools
…really bad
the floor becomes
a gross drool pad
he cannot hide
his want of food
his pushiness
…frankly rude
mealtime done
there he sleeps
gather towels
into a heap
life with dog
…mostly cool
but not so much
the pounds of drool !!

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time, daily life Kimberly LeClair time, daily life Kimberly LeClair

life time

seconds seem to scurry
minutes can moan
hours might linger
days sometimes groan
weeks almost fly
months plod along
years disappear
and a lifetime is gone

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musings, daily life, metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair musings, daily life, metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair

Finding Simple

Why is finding simple
often quite quite hard?
Seems it would be easy —
complex? Just discard.

But reaching toward the simple
feels more like clearing vines.
Each tendril is connected,
dug in and must be mined.

Pull on one small thread
find a monster at its end.
Have to just keep pulling,
the time you have to spend.

Maybe when you finish
you find a clearing, clean and bare.
A simple life for living —
but I can’t tell you, I’m not there.

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my dog, daily life, rain Kimberly LeClair my dog, daily life, rain Kimberly LeClair

More Towels!

These two things
They do not mix
Dogs and rain
Do you want pics?
When dogs go out
In the rain
The mud they spread
Is such a pain
I just can’t win
Although I try
The mess is such
I want to cry!
From smelly fur
To dirty paws
To leaves and sticks
There should be laws!
Every time
The beast goes out
Here comes the mud
More towels! I shout

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daily life Kimberly LeClair daily life Kimberly LeClair


still so dark
can see the moon
woke too early
way too soon
want to crawl
back in bed
fluffy pillow
under my head
close my eyes
back to sleep
right away
no counting sheep

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my dog, daily life Kimberly LeClair my dog, daily life Kimberly LeClair

Pushy pushy dog

Here he comes
Jumping on the bed
Does he want his breakfast
or is he checking if I’m dead?

Here he comes
Lounging on the couch
Pressing with his paws so hard
“Pet me now you big old grouch!”

Here he comes
Begging for some food
“Don’t you see my sitting here?
You aren’t sharing?? Oh so rude!”

Here he comes
Barking really loud
“Look Look Look a squirrel!!
Aren’t you very proud?”

Here he comes
“Hey I want some cuddles”
When this dog is gone away
my tears will fall in puddles

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daily life, rain Kimberly LeClair daily life, rain Kimberly LeClair

Waiting now

Rain pours down
Makes it wet
Ponds are big
Full I bet
Still so dark
Can’t yet see
Water up
To my knees?
Floods do come
Every year
Question now
Is it near?
Backyard filled?
Pump it out?
Rain just stop!
Hear me shout
Slowly now
Light will shine
We will see
What we find!

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daily life, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair daily life, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair

do it different

if you’re stuck — do it different
try a new, weird way
instead of drinking coffee
drink tea to start your day

used to wearing shoes
with matching yellow socks
how ‘bout trying sandals
or maybe even crocs!

like to eat a sandwich
with ham and cheddar cheese
when you’re at the diner
"roast beef for me, please”

always take the bus route
numbered fifty-five
walk for twenty blocks
or maybe even drive

you have to shake your brain up
feed it fresh to-dos
soon you find you’re looking
at a life that feels quite new!

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daily life, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair daily life, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair

The Late Wake Up

Today I woke up late
Much later than the norm
Must have been under the covers
Calm and safe and warm

Now the day begins
I’m up and out of bed
The thing about the late wake up
It starts my day with dread

Because I need to rush
To move at double speed
The rhythm of the morn is broke
But the day it must proceed

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daily life, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair daily life, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair


Should I go
this way or that?
Decisions are hard —
like internal combat.
One way seems right
then the other peeks in.
Which way to turn?
I can’t really win.
The cycle goes on —
repeats and repeats.
Finally collapse.
Claim my defeat.
Pick one or the other!
It probably won’t matter!
But choose one I must
to get over this chatter!
Either choice is ok —
both end my dismay!
Decide on a way
with no more delay!

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daily life, alliteration Kimberly LeClair daily life, alliteration Kimberly LeClair


Nothing simple
Nothing right
Nothing easy
Nothing light

Sometimes problems linger
Sometimes you are wrong
Sometimes work gets harder
Sometimes nights are long

Everyday time moves onward
Everyday you have choice
Everyday you can discover
Every day is worth rejoice

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daily life, observations Kimberly LeClair daily life, observations Kimberly LeClair

Lucky Seven

Gorgeous weekend morning
Perfect breeze blows just right
In pulls a big truck
Painted color of the night

“Lucky Seven Tree Co”
Nothing lucky there at all
The noise of saw and grinder
Roars in — invading all

The quiet shatters loudly
On this lovely weekend morn
It isn’t even 9 am!
At least you could have warned!

I would have closed my windows
Put plugs into my ears
Instead I sit here cringing
As branches grind through gears

The hum of the machine
Eating all that comes in close
A blank spot now across the street
A tree is now a ghost

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Mosquito Bite

Something bit my toe
Could not have been a gnat
Must be a mosquito
The one that did do that!
Now I’ve got a bite
Itches like the devil
When my shoes rub the place
The itch it goes next level!
I’ve tried a bunch of creams
And soaks and serums too
Nothing seems to help
What else can I do ?!?
I have to just let time
Heal this horrid bite
Next time be real sure
To put the bug spray on right!!

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daily life, my dog, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair daily life, my dog, fun with rhyme Kimberly LeClair

Greedy Drool Dog

My dog is very greedy
He begs for all my food
Seems he’s always hungry
Always in the mood
He seems to like everything
Cheese and eggs and ham
He always comes a’running
When he hears the cupboard slam
The problem with this dog
He produces lots of drool
So when you eat around him
On the floor will be a pool
It is really quite annoying
Sometimes I get mad
But then he looks at me with love
Well, then I am just glad ❤️

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characters, daily life Kimberly LeClair characters, daily life Kimberly LeClair

The Complainer

Have you ever met a complainer?
He grouses, grumbles, and gripes
Fussing and futzing surround him
Do you know this specific type?

Nothing will ever please him
He will always find a new fault
Order a chocolate milkshake
He will bleat loudly, “I wanted malt!”

Seems no way to please him
Nothing is ever quite right
You can try to convince him
You can use all of your might

But chances are he is stuck here
Mired in his grievance-filled ways
He does not see he needs changing
And so there’s not much you can say

He will go on complaining
The only thing you can do
Is to notice how lonely this man is
And never ever let it become you

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