This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

I have started to edit some of these mostly the kids poetry. I think there might be enough here for a book. We shall see.

metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair

Wild Card

Sometimes life gets lonely
Sometimes life gets hard
Sometimes life feels easy
We try to hold on to that card
Life continues changing
Days may truly fly
We live inside a shuffle
We all will say goodbye

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musings, daily life, metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair musings, daily life, metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair

Finding Simple

Why is finding simple
often quite quite hard?
Seems it would be easy —
complex? Just discard.

But reaching toward the simple
feels more like clearing vines.
Each tendril is connected,
dug in and must be mined.

Pull on one small thread
find a monster at its end.
Have to just keep pulling,
the time you have to spend.

Maybe when you finish
you find a clearing, clean and bare.
A simple life for living —
but I can’t tell you, I’m not there.

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metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair

Idea Ivy

Have you ever met an idea
that wouldn’t let you go?
Time moves on but somehow
the idea digs in and grows?
Starts to send out vines
taking over swaths of head space.
The idea no longer lives
in just one little small space.
It has spread out like ivy
covers up much of the rest.
Let’s hope this idea a good one
because it’s no longer a guest.
Someday soon you’ll forget
the idea was once a small seed.
Let’s hope your idea grew into
a beauty and not just a weed.

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metaphors for life, Hope, poetry Kimberly LeClair metaphors for life, Hope, poetry Kimberly LeClair

a light

Is fear like an anchor, holding you down
Is it like a dark room, cold and lonely
Like a veil that surrounds you
A nightmare that lingers
Black shadows

I wish for you
The warm sun of day
Streaming in, clearing your vision
You find a key, unlock bright possibilities
Move into the world clean and full of courage

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metaphors for life, poetry Kimberly LeClair metaphors for life, poetry Kimberly LeClair


what if
the trees and bushes were my friends
the grass a perpetual welcome mat
the flowers a daily surprise party
the squirrels and rabbits welcome guests
even when they twitch and run away
what if
extended beyond these walls
and the earth welcomed me back
because she had been missing me

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poetry, metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair poetry, metaphors for life Kimberly LeClair

mind mosquitos

complaints are like mosquitos
flying around your head
buzzing biting and sucking
until you slap them dead

grumbling about everything
pointing the finger out there
when the critters get too thick
a madman stands and swats the air

more wise to put on some bug spray
go inside, find a net or a tent
see the bright side, smile, say thank you
or be gnawed by your own lament

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