This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

I have started to edit some of these mostly the kids poetry. I think there might be enough here for a book. We shall see.

time, modern times Kimberly LeClair time, modern times Kimberly LeClair

reset the clocks

Oh! I woke up
to a twisting of time
my phone re-adjusted
what did not was my mind
the light feels so different
It can’t be that late!
I can reset the clocks
on my brain, I must wait!

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time, daily life Kimberly LeClair time, daily life Kimberly LeClair

life time

seconds seem to scurry
minutes can moan
hours might linger
days sometimes groan
weeks almost fly
months plod along
years disappear
and a lifetime is gone

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time Kimberly LeClair time Kimberly LeClair


snow melts
rain falls
sun shines
wind squalls
fire burns
storms rage
mud slides
people age

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time Kimberly LeClair time Kimberly LeClair

a moment (2)

at the top of your stretch
at the end of your breath
at the farthest point you can see
at the tip of your tongue
at the last of the crumbs
at the moment we cease to be

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poetry, time Kimberly LeClair poetry, time Kimberly LeClair

reflections of water and time

time like water
in a measuring cup
there now, but later
drunk all up

pour it out
once measured and seen
come to question
has it ever been?

the spilling of time
a real waste indeed
coming too quickly
to an hour of need

allow careful measure
to not be a toll
let the water of time
rather quench your own soul

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