This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

heat, humidity, weather Kimberly LeClair heat, humidity, weather Kimberly LeClair

ode to the sticky

ode to the sticky
moist dense and hot
how much more water
does this air got??
one week ago
the fog and the mist
not sure I love
this dramatic plot twist
how 'bout a breeze?
just a little cool wind?
of course, when the cold comes
I’ll be whining again!! 😩

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heat Kimberly LeClair heat Kimberly LeClair

all things wait

blazing sun, rises high
air hangs thin, wind blows dry
no thing crawls or skitters past
all things wait for shadows cast

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