This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

I have started to edit some of these mostly the kids poetry. I think there might be enough here for a book. We shall see.

stuff, modern times, love each other Kimberly LeClair stuff, modern times, love each other Kimberly LeClair

Abigail Miller

Abigail Miller loved her stuff.
She never thought she had enough.
Piles and piles of books and papers,
her rooms filled up with crooked skyscrapers.
She bought online and in the store,
her heart beat loud — more more more!
To what end did Abigail strive?
She thought her things made her alive.
But she was wrong, our friend Miss Miller,
it was love of stuff that truly killed her.
She buried her heart in all that clutter.
It kept folks out. Her love got shuttered.

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