This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.
Hidden Jewels
Is there a switch like a light
can turn on wondrous delight?
Is there a tool like a saw
to cut out shame and reveal awe?
Is there a trick like a ploy
will replace sadness with the fullness of joy?
Our attention may be such a tool.
Use it deftly to reveal hidden jewels.
Keep On Going
As you wander
down paths barely lit,
are you scared of the noises,
are you tempted to quit?
Can you keep going
though the way it is long?
My dear, you can do it,
I know you are strong.
words like kisses
to create our wonderful life
we will surely find streaks of strife
the way we choose what we say
has a clear and powerful sway
the words that we use, they matter
they have the power to heal or to shatter
our dreams, our wants and our wishes
so let your words feel like kisses
note: a part of this is based on an older piece…. but I did edit and it is different so I’m counting this as a new piece… thus counting towards my streak staying intact. ;-)