This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.

fun with rhyme, encouragement, poems for kids Kimberly LeClair fun with rhyme, encouragement, poems for kids Kimberly LeClair

Keep on a-going

I tried to make something great
Instead I made something I hate

I tried to bake lovely nice bread
Tasted more like rough tire treads

I tried to take a swim in a lake
There was me and there was the snake!

I tried to rake up all the leaves
Instead I just started to sneeze!

I tried to wake up at seven
But was in bed until after eleven!!

Sometimes right after the trying
You are left feeling like crying
But you have to keep on a-going
Because doing is not about knowing

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