This was a project I did basically during the pandemic. I started writing a poem a day. Once ‘real life’ started again it got harder to write everyday, which is interesting.
I have started to edit some of these mostly the kids poetry. I think there might be enough here for a book. We shall see.
the world around
hard to know
to find true words
the world around
seems so absurd
one thing I think…
feels true to me…
I don’t know
what others see…
we have to hold
each other tight
in light of day
in dark of night
the world around
can seem wrong
we do our best
when we belong
be a dear friend
we see that way
an old dry leaf
a cold dark day
the scent of grief
night descends
turn on your light
be a dear friend
kind, warm and bright
Trust the Truth
Outside leaves rain down
Blanketing the waiting ground
A hushed reminder
We all need warmth in winter
Trust the truth of those you touch
letting go
twisted up
turned around
feeling low
run aground
you might find
a shaft of light
by letting go
of being right
the hope in my heart
fire, smoke or witches
tires off in ditches
whatever the mess
you find as you press
on in this life
(we all have our strife)
the hope in my heart
is that you feel part
of all that is good
my friend, cuz you should
you might wander off
find you are quite lost
seek the entry given
no fence you need to cross
the place you do come home to
some solid grounded core
space to lay your worries
the always open door
two places
two places to look
you could look inside a book
or instead close your eyes
to see what’s deep inside
two places to see
we can see both you and me
but when we close our eyes
do we have the same inside?
apples and stars
the world is a giant place
filled with ideas and trees
and love and hugs and geese
and pandas and smiles and
stars and apples and sunflowers
and there is one more thing
in the world....
and that is the thing
I am most happy about
weaving comfort
wrapping our self in words
promising protection from
the burning heat of this miracle
the icy depth of this aloneness
the rough terrain of truth
dreamland conversation
I see your mind
through fields of worry
in streams of doubt
on an ocean of dread
My mind is here too
Let’s build a kite and float away
on the stirring of our dreams
sharing stars
If some stars fell from the sky
into your hands
would you share them with me
so we could light up the world?